These monumental masts, ranging in height from 12 - 16 metres were conceived in response to a project brief from the landscape architects for Helix asking for "Feature light columns".
We developed the entire structures from a series of concept sketches all the way through technical, structural and lighting design to the construction and delivery phase. The resultant masts which carry a variety of flood luminaires and decorative lighting effects are designed to complement and enhance the versatile events space and lagoon at Helix Park. These spaces can be used for regattas, sports events, parties, concerts and gatherings of any type so the lighting has to respond accordingly.
The masts are all linked to specialised lighting controls that allow the client to call up around 40 different effects and lighting scenes to complement event themes and also allows for a trained operator to take control of the masts and create scenes in real time to suit concerts etc.
The masts themselves were fabricated by Norbuild Ltd and the structural engineering was carried out by Harley Haddow Partnership and Norbuild.