Lightfolio has been selected as lighting consultant for the King's Road redevelopment programme for Newcastle University and has been tasked with devising schemes for the public realm, the architectural illumination of key buildings within the King's Road corridor and the delivery of a strategic lighting plan for the client to use for future developments going forward. Lightfolio is working with Oobe Landscape Architects and ESH construction. the scheme is due to be completed mid 2015.
St Michael's Parish Church, Linlithgow
After many months of work, the new lighting scheme for the interior of the church is complete. This unique scheme uses entirely LED light fittings and a state of the art control system to create a versatile, energy efficient, low maintenance installation that meets the many, varied demands of this thriving place of worship. The new scheme will definitely enhance the functionality and appeal of the setting of the church as both a place of great historic significance and thriving place of activity for the local community.
Helix Park Saltire Award for Civil Engineering 2014
Lightfolio is very proud to be named as part of the team that received the 2014 Saltire Award for Civil Engineering. The Helix Park development beat off stiff competition from some very prestigious projects including the new SSE Hydro and redevelopment of Waverley Station to win the award. The Helix is a truly special place and well worthy of the accolade. Well done to everyone involved from us.